Further History

Friday, February 26, 2010

"...The year was the beginning of the Age of Silver, year 6 in that age. Savarica at that time was nothing more than a lowland that was half icy and half overrun with Norn tribes and snow giants..."
The grand library of Vadirska was mostly the center of learning and scholarship for the miles upon miles of land that made up the Countess' estate, taking up half of an entire wing of the castle in itself with its mazes of rooms, bookshelves, and studies. From monks to aspiring scholars, from bards and musicians coming to write songs or army generals pouring over old battle plans and sketches, if one wanted some kind of information that was older than last month, it was likely to be there.
"...What humans and Carcega, the winged mortals, existed in this icy northern waste merely wandered from cave to cave, in tribes, striving to survive in the wild wastelands and more or less animals themselves as they fought and struggled to survive the nightmares of the north."
The massive, dusty main chamber of the Vadirska library was incredibly tall and imposing, several stories high and filled with books, scrolls, and papers to the gray dome above. The sunlight streamed in pleasantly through the gold-rimmed windows, long and tall, that bordered the walls and peeked from the curved ceiling above, shedding dusky rays of dusty golden light on the scene. The high, curving stone shelves were stacked with every kind of possible manuscript and material, from fine, well bound books and tomes to furs and old papers scribbled frantically on. In itself, the library was a small maze of shelves and aisles for the unwary.
"It was in that age, when the two Amaras brothers rose up from out of an unknown clan and tribe. In that age such a monumental warrior was nothing new, as those two human men who wore blue and white and were feared by any evil that dared come near were, but these two bore something unusual...a strange religion with them. The belief in a God and a Son of God. Strangely enough, they were the first of men that together rallied a massive force of humanity in this very land, and fought for their lives and survival. In one clever battle, they risked the survival of all humanity in the north wastes...and won."

The sounds of a few scholarly robed monks echoed down the long corridor, and as they walked past discussing some finer details of Theology and history, Gaeljwen fidgeted. Someone in the next aisle of the quiet, stately study hall was climbing a screeching ladder to reach some hidden manuscripts nearly 30 yards over his or her head. Studying the designs and intricate carvings over his head, the young recruit was listening only vaguely to the teacher's speech.
A slightly elderly man dressed as a scholar monk was standing at the head of the table, reading from a book. Half buried down in one of the dusty aisles that made up the center of learning for Vadirska lands, the younger man made some effort to concentrate. His teacher, who the Countess had personally chosen, was a quiet, though wise man who headed part of that section of the library, particularly in history. Wearing a heavy pair of glasses on his older face and constantly having to push his gray beard back as he looked down at the book, he made a good scholar indeed. Gaeljwen smiled faintly as his eyes returned to the man's face. A good man, even if a little TOO learned, the young boy thought.
Pay attention, idiot!

"And thus, Savarica itself was born. Though the dark evils that lived in it were driven back for a while, there was nothing to keep them from returning, so in order to make sure that no monster of darkness returned to their now humanized land, the Amaras and the sages of the tribes came up with a plan...for six castles."
Gaeljwen understood this. This was the fireside tale every small child was told throughout Savarica.
"The Six Spires." He finished.
The old teacher looked up, smiled briefly and nodded. "Yes, the Six Spires of Savarica. Can you name them?"
To this Gaeljwen was silent. He looked down at the table top. "...No. Just Kire'falreadis, the one we watch."
The teacher lowered the book for a moment. "Well, yes, we watch it. Each of the five houses of Savarica agreed to split the watching of the Spires between them and the garrisoning and guarding of them. Each house rules over and guards one of the Spire castles, except for House Pandark, which watches both of the eastern Spires."
Gaeljwen nodded, making a mental note of it and hoping for the life of him that it would stay remembered in his mind. "I see." He nodded.
Returning to the book, the old scholar went on. "And so the Amaras and the sages who now newly practiced Light Art gifted upon them, built six castles to guard Savarica's outer doors, and wove the warding power around them with their power of the Gift. Ever since, the Spires of Savarica ward off evil who can't bear the sight of them, and have effectively kept the dark Norns, fire worms, yeti, goblins and other evils from overrunning Savarica with their sheer numbers and power." The teacher paused, and turned the page. Gaeljwen struggled to stay awake.
"Kire'falreadis, the northernmost Spire, guards the north passes and border, and is guarded by our own House Vadirska." He smiled faintly. "Kire'sephal is watched by House Kairok of Lake Japhethis, the castle that guards the western woods and roads. Kire'dephal, by the strong and iron-handed House Herrsan, which guards the river's course and Lake Imirad itself." There was a moment as he let this sink into his young student's mind.
"Kire'lendova is kept by House Davardi, the largest and strongest house, that watches the south-coming caravan roads and outgoing rivers. Finally, Kire'herre AND Kire'gaya are kept by House Pandark, the sole northeastern house and of the Lake Norgista."
Gaeljwen nodded. Deciding to both test his knowledge and prove to someone that he did know something, he thought for a moment and added on, "And since no outside army dares approach the Spires, no power outside the land can break the chain of six links...and get in."
"Correct!" His teacher smiled. "And that is why we take such..."
"Master Scholar!!" A shout echoed down the corridor.
Such a shout in the usually quiet library got everyone's attention, especially when they sat in the long aisle that it came from. Both of the two, student and teacher, jerked up instantly. A most unexpected sound, the sound of clanking armor, sounded down the corridor as some appeared from the entrance.
Gaeljwen turned quickly and stood up. He was mildly surprised to see a light guard from the walls hurriedly striding down the corridor, something that usually didn't happen. Though for some odd reasons of her own the Countess had instructed Gaeljwen to take these education lessons as long as he served in her barracks, never before were they interrupted by a soldier.
As the young guard made it to the small table in the aisle where the two were standing now, he took a quick breath and saluted wearily. Gaeljwen's eyes narrowed as he saw a look of unusual fear on the man's face, as though he had just walked off of a battlefield for the first time.
"...Can we help you, sir?" Gaeljwen's appointed teacher had the presence of mind to ask politely, despite the slightly skewed appearance of a royal guard in his domain.
"...Gaeljwen is summoned to the barracks immediately. As all House Vadirska soldiers are." He panted, "We march in twelve hours northwest, the entire House Huscarl Guard."
Both of them were dumbstruck. Though they were probably not the only ones to hear such a statement in such a quiet place, not a sound echoed across the entire library at this announcement.
"The entire army....marching?"
"Yes, in six hours. Kire'falreadis, scholar..." Here the man visibly winced and seemed to choke back a strangled sob.
"The castle...."
"What of it, man?!" This time Gaeljwen spat hurriedly fast growing worried.
"...Kire'falreadis has been attacked. And has fallen. The Countess orders all forces move in six hours to defend the north pass."
This time, he had to sit down in his chair when this news hit him.
"That's a cruel jest, young man!" The scholar suddenly snapped, but was abruptly cut off.
"I'm not jesting, you fool, go and ask the Countess herself!" This time the young messenger exploded, apparently on edge himself. If anyone in the room hadn't heard this shocking news before, they did now.
"We've just received news that Kire'falraedis has fallen. The messenger was half dead when he got here, and his horse I'm sure is by now." The man paused, his eyes glancing about as though he were terrified that the whole library might collapse on him where he was. "All forces move in six hours."
"...I'm coming." Gaeljwen managed to choke out. "I'll be right there."

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